Sunday, March 23, 2008

Guys & Dolls, Jr

The girls were in the Junior High Musical this past week. There were 3 performances for the public. Family members were able to attend all three. Paul showed up at 3:30 a.m. & Jordan drove from Valley City early on Wednesday morning to attend the 9 a.m. show. Jordan said it was really good.....I hadn't seen it yet.....he was right!!

The following close up shots were posted on the Daily Journal's web page

In case you hadn't figured it out........Morgan is a guy!

She is the one in the yellow shirt.

Here she is with her dancing partner, Emily

Great job, girls!!

1 comment:

Pat said...

What a great looking couple in the first picture! I also watched the video and enjoyed that.

Between the two plays you have been a busy young lady!

Don't get too worn out Morgan!

Gram Pat