Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to a Good Big Brother!

Happy 23rd Birthday, Jordan!

Getting your sister to take a nap so mom could have some pool time

Sharing everything with your little weren't scared of "girl germs"

This little girl would get so excited when you would carry her to the usually meant that you would be sitting by her and entertaining her on the trip to some ballgame or other event....all you had to do was smile at her and she would get the giggles.
(Okay, I won't be posting that picture that you took of her in the vehicle when you told her to pick her nose.......sometimes you just had way too much fun in that back seat together!)

Giving your sister rides around the farm yard......and then having her pick up all the sticks in the yard and put them into the wagon for you as you drove.
Thanks for being such a good big brother!
Love, Mom, Dad & Morgan


Auntie said...

Oh, Jordan--you were such a cute little big brother! Happy Birthday, little nephew!!

Pat said...

Those were the good old days...having fun on the farm with a big brother and little sister!

Now reality sets in and you are an adult ready to tackle the world!

Happy Birthday